Friday, August 16, 2013

Here we go...

This is so nerve-wracking. I've dreamt about creating a blog for a while, imagined the color schemes and the wonderful, witty content, but I could never bring myself to actually do it. Laziness? Perhaps. But mostly, I'm scared. I know that there are wonderful blogs and images out there in the whole WORLD WIDE web, and I dismissed any creative ambitions in creating one myself each time the desire came along. Well, here am I dismissing the dismissing. Does that make sense? I'm taking a small leap and trying this thing out. We'll see where it goes. "We" as in me and you, whoever you are. Thanks for stopping by. I sort of like this new virtual home already.

Cheers to new beginnings.

love. always.


  1. Ahhh! This makes me so happy. I'm so proud of you bg, for following the dreams that have been in your heart for all these years. Your gift to see the beauty in the simple things is going to make you such an amazing photographer. i love you. cheers.

  2. Best of Luck Prima!!! I'm sure it will be a success!!
